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Invitation for service and technical work visa

Visa-Russian.ru company provides services for preparing and submitting documents for a business invitation only for legal entities registered in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions. Before submitting documents to the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs directly to issue an invitation for a foreign citizen, the company's accreditation as an inviting organization is required - details here.

An invitation for a visa to a service technician sent to Russia to perform maintenance or installation work is an important step in organizing the specialist’s work in the country. To successfully obtain a visa, you must strictly comply with all requirements and provide the necessary documents. Visa-Russian.ru company offers professional services to Russian legal entities in preparing and submitting documents to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for invitations for service technicians, observing all the necessary norms and requirements.

Cost and terms of issuing an invitation for service and technical work visa:

Assistance to Russian companies in preparing and submitting documents for a work invitation for installation work (maintenance).
Cost - from 5500a. Officially, electronic sending to the Consulate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

View price list
  For citizens of countries with low immigration risk For citizens of countries with high immigration risk
Single entry
3 months 8000a
17-20 business days
17-20 business days
To apply for a visa, you will also need a medical insurance policy, which you can also order from us.
To apply for a visa, you will also need a medical insurance policy, which you can also order from us.

* State duty for a work invitation of 960a is paid separately.

Visa-Russian.ru company provides services only to legal entities registered in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions.


Features of the procedure for issuing an invitation for installation work visa

Issuing an invitation to a foreign citizen for a visa is carried out through the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; it requires the completion of certain steps and the provision of relevant documents.

It is important to consider that the invitation must be issued on behalf of a Russian legal entity, and the invited foreign citizen must be an employee of a company abroad with which the inviting organization has entered into an agreement to perform installation work (otherwise known as equipment maintenance or commissioning of equipment, or warranty service) for enterprise of the inviting party on the territory of the Russian Federation.

First of all, an agreement must be concluded for the supply and warranty service of equipment, or separately for installation work, between the Russian company and a foreign legal entity. This document will be the basis for issuing an invitation and visa to a foreign citizen who travels to Russia to carry out the agreed installation work.

After this, the host company submits an application to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs to receive an invitation for a service technician.

A visa for service technicians belongs to the category of work visas (installation work) and allows a foreigner to work at production sites and on the premises of the inviting organization, perform commissioning work and warranty service of equipment. It is important to note that, unlike other types of work visas, an installation visa does not" require a quota or a work permit.

The validity of a foreign citizen’s passport must be at least 1.5 years after the expiration of the intended visa. This requirement is common to all work visas.

Also, with this visa, a foreigner has the right to transport specialized equipment and tools across the border for diagnostics and repairs, which is not permitted with a business visa. A foreign citizen invited to installation work cannot bring his family members with him.

A foreign citizen invited for installation work must undergo certain procedures within 30 days of arrival, such as a medical examination, fingerprinting and photography.
We also remind you that upon arrival on the territory of the Russian Federation, a foreigner must register at his place of residence with the territorial division of the migration service within 7 working days from the date of crossing the border. We, as a consulting company, cannot help with registration.

Issuing an invitation for an escorted visa from Visa-Russian.ru is a convenient and reliable way to ensure a safe stay for your service technician in Russia. We guarantee full compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and a high level of professionalism in all our actions.

Documents required to invite a foreigner to Russia as a service technician

We undertake the preparation of a package of documents, which includes:

Additional documents are provided if necessary:

When a company first applies to the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to receive invitations, foreigners are required to go through the company accreditation procedure. Read more here.

Our qualified specialists will undertake the preparation of all necessary documents based on the information you provide, and experienced representatives will submit documents signed on your part to the authorized bodies. After reviewing the application and provided documents, the Ministry of Internal Affairs makes a decision to issue an invitation.

A foreign citizen will receive a visa for installation work independently at the Russian consulate in the country of his residence; the basis for issuance is an electronic invitation issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the request of the receiving party.

We have many years of experience in providing services for preparing documents and supporting companies when submitting documents to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for invitations to service technicians who are sent to Russia to perform maintenance or installation work. Our qualified staff will help you quickly and efficiently prepare all the necessary documents and applications to successfully obtain a visa.

If you have any questions or require additional information on obtaining an invitation for a service technician visa, please contact us. Our team of experts is always ready to help you resolve any issues that may arise and ensure successful work in Russia.

With Visa-Russian.ru your work will become more comfortable and secure. Reliability, professionalism and efficiency - that's what you get when you turn to us for help.


See also:
Tourist invitations for Russian visa
Business invitations for Russian visa
Work permit and work invitations for Russian visa


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