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Notices of the conclusion and termination of an employment contract with a foreign citizen

If an employer employs foreign citizens, he or she is obliged to notify the Ministry of Internal Affairs about hiring, firing, and salary payments. Notifications are sent to the Migration Directorate General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Since the Federal Migration Service has been terminated, it does not need to be notified.

It is necessary to notify the Ministry of Internal Affairs in three cases: during employment, dismissal and paying of salary. Travelmart will help you compile and send those notifications.
The cost of preparing and submitting notices to the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Notice of the conclusion or early termination of the employment contract 2-3 days 3500a/human
Notice of highly qualified specialists wages 2-3 days 3500a/human

Travelmart provides services only to legal entities registered in Moscow or the Moscow region.


Notification of hiring a foreign citizen

Rules for notifications of employment of a foreign citizen vary depending on the job application procedure:

  1. If an employer hires a foreigner with an annual salary of less than 2 million rubles, they must notify the Ministry of Internal Affairs after the specialist receives a work permit and signs an employment contract. This rule applies when foreigners work on quota and above quota positions.
  2. If an employer hires a highly qualified specialist with a salary of more than 2 million rubles a year, since recently, the Ministry of Internal Affairs must be notified simultaneously with the submission of documents for a work permit.

Submitting notifications of hiring a highly qualified foreign citizen   is included in the main package of services for the employment of highly qualified professionals in Travelmart. In other cases, the service is paid separately.

Foreign employment notice must be submitted within 3 business days after the conclusion of the contract. If you independently notify the Ministry of Internal Affairs, please note that the new forms of notification of the employment contract have been released. You will need the Appendix No. 13 to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 11.

Notice of termination of an employment contract with a foreigner

If the employment contract with a foreign citizen is terminated early, the employer must notify the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If the work permit has expired as well as the employment contract, there is no need to notify the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The time to submit notifications of termination of an employment contract with a foreigner is 3 business days after the date of termination.

You will find the notice of termination of the employment contract form in the Appendix No. 14 to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 11.

Payroll Notice

If a foreign citizen works as a highly qualified specialist with a salary above 2 million rubles, the employer is obliged to regularly notify the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the salary payments.

Notifications need to be submitted quarterly. When the working quarter ends, the employer must prepare and send a notice within the next month. For example, documents for the 4th quarter of 2018 must be submitted during January 2019, and for the 1st quarter of 2019 -– during April 2019.

The salary payment notice forms can be found in the Appendix No. 5 to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 11.

Notification Terms

Notification conditions are described in detail in the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs №11. The notification form must be completed in Russian. Documents with corrections, crossed out parts and errors are not accepted. Notifications must be submitted separately for each foreign employee. Documents can be brought in person with a power of attorney from the employing company or sent as a hard copy by mail.

If an employer ignores this obligation, does not fulfil the conditions of the order, or makes mistakes in the text of the notification, he or she may receive a fine of up to 1 million rubles or other penalties, such as suspending the company's activities for up to 3 months.

Travelmart helps you fill out and submit notices to save you time and prevent fines.

See also: The procedure for employing a foreigner to work.



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