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Obtaining a quota to employ foreign citizens

To employ a foreign citizen in Russia, an employer company needs to receive a quota. The quota is not required in only two cases: if the employee receives a salary of more than 2 million rubles a year and is regarded as a highly qualified specialist, or if his position is on the list of above quota positions for the current year.

Quotas for foreign labour

Getting a job quota for foreigners is a long and complicated process that can result in the application being denied. The number of quotas is strictly limited and distributed by region and by profession. In 2019, there are 144,583 employment quotas for foreign citizens.

Making the decision to grant or refuse quotas for work in Russia, the commission takes into account many factors: the type of company, medical and housing provision for workers, the absence of violations of the law by the employer, the opportunity to attract regional labour resources to a specific position, and the qualifications of the foreigner. For example, preference is given to employers engaged in priority areas of industry (mining, construction, etc.) or top-tier large-scale projects.

Travelmart will help you to get a quota, but we cannot guarantee a positive result. In the case of a refusal, you will lose 25 days during which the application is considered. We recommend considering the possibility of hiring a highly qualified specialist (HQS) or to choose an above quota position.

The employment procedure will be easier and more likely to end successfully if the foreigner is a highly qualified specialist or is assigned to an above quota position. Read more about the procedure for issuing permits for HQSs in the section "Work permit for HQSs". For more information on above quota positions see "Employment of foreigners above quota."

If there is no possibility of doing that, we can help in filling in the application or completely take over the whole process of obtaining quotas.

Cost of applying for a quota:

Service Cost
Submission of information to the Department of Labour and Employment 15500a – Moscow
18500a - Moscow region

Visa-Russian.ru company provides services only to legal entities registered in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions.
The company must have certification of jobs.
The company should not have tax debts.

ORDER Get a quota

The employment process after receiving the quota is described in detail in the section «Step-by-step instructions for employing foreign citizens.».

The procedure

To get a quota, you need to collect the following documents:

  1. Application for quota - 2 copies.
  2. Warranty letter - 1 copy.
  3. Power of Attorney - 1 copy.
  4. Certificate of State Registration - 1 copy, notarized.
  5. Certificate of tax registration and assignment of TIN - 1 copy, notarized.
  6. Extract from the register (ЕГРЮЛ), Issued not earlier than one month before the submission of the documents , 2 copies
  7. Lease contract. Original and a copy with a company’s stamp.

We will fill in all the necessary forms based on your application.

The quota for employment is established by the Department of Labour and Employment. First you need to place an application in electronic form on the websitehttp://www.migrakvota.gov.ru, then hand over the originals to the regional branch in the region in which the company is located. We go through these stages on our own with the help of a power of attorney.

The time of processing the application is 25 days. If, after that, you are refused a quota, you can re-apply, but the probability of a positive outcome will be small. In this case, it is better to consider the option of employing a foreigner to an above quota position.

Read about all the options of employing a foreigner on the main page of this section.



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